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Numismatics the Study of Coins

by D. L. Crane

For someone to speak about the subject of coin collecting they need to know and understand what Numismatics means. It might sound complex, but the meaning is quite straightforward. Numismatics is pronounced ‘new/miz/mat/ticks.’ Numismatics is the study of money or collection of currency, and its history in all its different forms including coins, medals, tokens, paper money, banknotes, medallions, stock certificates, and related objects. The study of Numismatics can consist of many diverse aspects pertaining to coins for example their history, geography, market, modern processes, studying their metals and their usage.

A numismatist is anyone who researches, studies, or collects, any of these things. It surprising to realize that numismatics, or coin collecting, has been around for hundreds of years. Julius Caesar is often recognized for writing the first book on numismatics. In the earliest times, numismatics was known as the ‘hobby of kings.’ A numismatist today can be anyone. Coin collecting is a very popular hobby in the United States. Millions of people collect the new state quarters, this brings progressively more and more interest to the hobby of coin collecting.

People who in reality study the record and the look of diverse kinds and types of currencies are Numismatists. Anyone who collects and studies currency can be called a numismatist. Machine struck coins are the coins that are frequently thought to be the most collectible. Mint records are often used to find the comparative rarity of their coins. Some collectors concentrate on a diverse variety of coins, on errors made at the mint or even on the history of the coins.

Coins are no exception to the fact that the better quality the item, the higher the premium. Coins are graded very much like the PSA grades baseball cards for quality. Graded coins that have been inspected for genuineness and condition have a much higher worth.

There are many reasons for collecting and studying coins that can comprise of their historical importance and artistic qualities, as well as their function in trade. If there is considerable demand, coins could gain numismatic worth above their present financial value. To build a collection of coins you will have to decide what type of coinage is of particular  interest to you. Some collectors focus on specific precious metals, like gold, silver, copper, or bronze coins. Other people like to concentrate on a precise time or area. One popular form for collecting is commemorative coins.

It is not difficult to start a collection of your own and become a Numismatist. If you have been saving some state quarters or have a few foreign coins from overseas vacations you are already collecting. Coin collecting can be a wonderful family activity and there are many things that draw people to numismatics. The coins many times have great historical importance in addition to being truly beautiful and collectible. But remember coins stay coins for a longtime. So know you know the basic study of coins you, too, can be a Numismatist.

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